Monday, October 21, 2013

Wild West Day

Wild West Day in our school is always so much fun! The children and teachers come into school in their 'western' best and we all have a Rootin' Tootin' good time. :) 

I used my cricut machine to make the cacti and punched holes on both sides so the children can thread yarn through during class (anything to practice fine motor development I am all about). I let the children put drops of glue on each cactus and then turn them over and place in a tray full of rice. Once they were done they got to play with the remaining rice, which was fun for everyone! 

Everyone cowboy/cowgirl needs a trusty horse. The children painted the body and clothespins with watered down brown tempera paint. Once everything dried they added the details. Busy Bee Kids Crafts has the template I used.

 To finish up our exciting day the children made boots. I used my Cricut machine to cut out the spurs and painted them with metallic gold paint to make them shine. We hung up our boots on the bulletin board for everyone to see. 

We read Cowboy Small and Cowboy Up! to end this special day. We practiced the sound of our trusty horses and the fun things cowboys/girls say. Overall, great day! 

These are some crafts my own children made in their classes on this special themed day. My son's class made a cowboy/girl and horse out of triangles, (since triangles are the shape of the month).  

 My daughter painted with watered down paint to make the sunset and added the silhouettes to create this beautiful western day project.


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