November is off to a good start in our classroom. This month we learn about the colors yellow and brown, squares, thanksgiving and so much more!
My class made these adorable turkeys last week. I found the original idea from Grant Ever After. I had the children sponge paint with orange, brown, and yellow tempera paint. The next day the children glued the pieces together to make the turkey's body and then glued them on. So cute!!
We made fall decorations for the classroom windows too! My children made the acorns and leaves, and another teacher added her students turkeys to make it the perfect fall window.
She did a great job with the turkeys, right? Once she laminated the turkeys she let them glue two eyes on to complete it.
The leaves were made with coffee filters and powdered tempera paint. The children sprinkled powdered paint onto the coffee filter then sprayed it with water using a spray bottle. I let the coffee filters dry and then cut out leaf patterns, laminated them and taped to window for all to see! Each leaf was a little different which I loved, just like my little one's- no two alike. :)
Acorns completed our window decorations. I had the children place yellow, gold and beige tissue paper squares onto laminating sheets. Once the sheet went through the machine I just cut out the shape of an acorn. The children then finished the acorn by making horizontal and vertical lines using the side of a popsicle stick dipped in brown paint.
Scarecrows are such a fun craft to do with the children this time of year. I found this idea on Pinterest, but I could not find the original link. If anyone knows where this adorable scarecrow originated from please let me know so I can give them credit for it.
My daughters class made these adorable scarecrows this week. I love everything her teacher does with her classes. Her creativity and love for teaching really shows in everything her little one's create. I'm so happy that both of my children had the opportunity to be a part of her class.
I made these scarecrows, that I found on Buzzing About Second Grade, last year with my two's but it was way too much work for my little ones.
I love our bulletin boards for November. We made corn, using red, orange, yellow, brown and white square pieces of construction paper (which is it shape of the month) and then glued on the husk to finish them off. I found a quote that I based this craft on about the colors used in the corn representing God's plan for us. Being a religious preschool I try to incorporate the word of God and religious meaning into as much as I can whether that is through crafting, story time or hands on activities.
For our hallway bulletin board we made a turkey! The children each decorated a feather, individualized by their name, using colorful feathers. The verse reads, "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." Perfect way to celebrate Thanksgiving.
This is our hallway bulletin board from last year. Scarecrows and corn are very popular in our preschool this time of year :)
This is my son's bulletin board. They did corn and attached to each ear of corn is a sentence or two about what they are thankful for. Love what my son said.
Some other fun things my own children and our students have made so far this month are: