Thursday, May 11, 2017

Caterpillars and butterflies

Caterpillars and butterflies! This month we learned all about the life cycle of a caterpillar into a butterfly! Here are some crafts we did as we learned about butterflies and caterpillars. 

We learned that butterflies wings are symmetrical. As a way for our little ones to understand this concept they dropped paint onto one side of card stock. Then we folded the other side of the paper on top of the paint and pressed down on the paper to move the paint underneath around. Once we opened it they saw how both sides were exactly the same!  

We even got to display our beautiful butterflies at the Art show for all to see! 

We also made a gigantic caterpillar for the one and only book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", by Eric Carle. The children helped paint the large circles all different variations of green and then we put our long caterpillar together for all to see at the Art Show. 

For this craft we used a small balloon we blew up and paint. The children pushed the balloon into the paint then onto the paper to create their caterpillar. After it dried they decorated with cotton balls for clouds and yarn for grass and of course a face for our little friends. 

These little caterpillars helped our children strengthen their fine motor skills. They used age appropriate scissors to put cuts into the leaf. Then they glued on four pom-poms and some eyes. 

 Here are some crafts my own children made in their classes. I really do love anything with their handprints. 


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