
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Pajama Day

Who doesn’t like coming into work with your favorite pajamas and most comfortable pair of slippers on? I know I sure do! The children all came into school with their favorite pj’s on too! Well, pajama day was very busy here in our classroom. We started out by taking pictures of all the children in their pajamas and printing them for our themed craft. Prior to beginning their craft I had the entire class come up to the table and help make our special pajama day paint! I took out brown paint, placed onto a plate in the middle of the table and then took out chocolate cocoa powder! I asked the children to smell the cocoa (I love incorporating sensory whenever I can!) and we talked about what it smelled like and what foods smell similar to the cocoa. After our discussion the children helped by spooning a small amount of cocoa into the brown paint and mixing it together to get our scented paint for our project!  Using the brown paint, a mug shaped cut out and some colorful strips of paper we created a hot chocolate mug!

 We personalized each mug by adding their picture onto the front of it! We hung the mugs onto the classroom door for everyone to see! 

 This is my son's mug from two years ago! This is where I got the original idea for our mugs from.

The children all gathered around our parachute as the teachers threw some stuffed animals in the middle. We tried to see how high we could make them go up into the air! The laughter than surrounded the parachute was wonderful. We also had a bounce house set up in the school's gymnasium! Before we left the room I read the book, 5 Little Moneys Jumping on a Bed to the children, as a way to tie everything together. As we walked down the hallway I reminded the children that jumping on a bed could be dangerous and how they could get hurt if they fall off but that we had something they could jump safely on and have tons of fun on too! Well, their little faces lit up when they saw the bounce house and we jumped like the 5 little monkeys until it was time for snack! :)

Last surprise of the day was hot chocolate (cooled to room temperature, of course!) with whipped cream on top and  mini marshmallows on the side for snack! 

During snack I read the book, Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late. I LOVE all Mo Willems' books! The books really do capture the children's attention throughout the entire story, and I love that these books are great for conversation starters in class. 

This was what my son brought home for pajama day this year! His teacher read the book, A Bedtime for Bear, and as she read the book the children got to hold the bears they made.

This is the craft my daughter brought home!  She was so animated when she was telling my husband about how her teacher asked her to "look like she was sleeping so she could take a picture for the craft". My daughter goes on to say, "my teacher is so funny daddy, we can't sleep in school because then we will miss all the fun!". God, I love her.  

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